Birthday blessings and A scholarship fund for EMDT students . . .

Happy Birthday Cake

Kathy Celebrates Another Year of Blessings

Birthday Blessings

The Grande Dame Diva celebrated her birthday on Flag day with family and artsy moments with the KIDZ Diva, Emiley. Talk about being pampered and spoiled… breakfast in bed, all meals cooked and an awesome cake. We played games when the power went out, watched 2 movies when the electricity was restored, and sketched designs all evening.

Scholarship Fundraiser

So now it is back to work on our newest designs. We will be posting new clothing designs as well as some new School Spirit jewelry for the alumni at Full Sail University. We plan to start a new scholarship fund for future students in the EMDT program so we will be donating 10% of ALL sales of the T-shirts and jewelry for the EMDT grads and alumni during the month of June.

Why June??? Well… that just so happens to be the month Kathy graduated from the Full Sail EMDT program with her MS in Educational Media Design and Technology degree in 2011. Our goal is to raise at least $500 to start the scholarship fund that will help students purchase books or other supplies.

EMDT PendantEMDT T-Shirt

Be sure to check out the School Spirit Gallery under the Portfolio page link for details. You will need to visit our ETSY Store to make your purchases.

If you have any questions, please convo us by using the contact form on our Contacts page.

Well… I’m off to catch a few zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Your Grande Dame -Kathy